A Cure for the Picky Eater

I get this question a whole lot: How can I get my picky eater to try more foods?

The short answer: get them cooking! (See below for cooking opportunities.)

The not-so-short answer: There are different types of picky eaters, but one common denominator is a short time spent in the kitchen, or with food in general. Catch their interest with different smells and recipes–even if they do not eat the food, their curiosity will start flowing!

Picky Eater Dos and Don'ts

-Offer multiple choices (Broccoli or carrots?)
-Try to have at least one food they like at a meal
-Get excited about new recipes: magazine clippings, cookbooks
-Experiment with changes/substitutions to old recipes
-Make food shopping fun together
-Emphasize the positives (Like strawberries? That's an incredibly healthy fruit! Way to go!)
-Reward children for trying new foods, and especially for liking new foods (remember not to use food as a reward)
-Make cooking fun. Designate days for cooking, or use it when you hear “I'm bored!”
-Eat as many meals as a family as possible
-Experiment with different textures. Some people would rather have veggies in a juice or smoothie than a salad.

-Make eating time stressful, for either one of you!
-Use food as a reward
-Use language such as “ew, yuck, gross, barf” etc in the kitchen–make it a family rule
-Miss out on the bonding experience. Cooking can become a family tradition, and if it does, you're likely to have a healthy family!

Visit TheKidsCookMonday.org for kid-friendly recipes


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Marina Bedrossian is a Northport, NY dietitian nutritionist who helps people with holistic nutrition solutions and food sensitivities. Visit this page to schedule an appointment and don’t forget to join the private Facebook group “Ingredients For Healthy Families” more information here.